Group E Pick-up / Departure Clause |
EXW | Ex Works | ab Werk |
Group F main carriage unpaid |
FCA | Free Carrier | frei Längsseite Seeschiff |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship | frei Längsseite Seeschiff | |
FOB | Free On Board | frei an Bord | |
Group C Main carriage paid |
CFR | Cost And Freight | Kosten und Fracht |
CIF | Cost, Insurance and Freight | Kosten, Versicherung und Fracht | |
CPT | Carriage And Insurance Paid To | frachtfrei, versichert | |
Group D Arrival / Destination Clause |
DAT | Delivered At Terminal | geliefert Terminal |
DAP | Delivered At Place | geliefert genannter Ort | |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid | geliefert verzollt |
» Link to Incoterms publisher www.iccwbo.org
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