Color-Codes according to VDE and IEC

Color German Code Code according to IEC 60757
Black SW BK
Brown BR BN
Orange OR OG
Yellow GE YE
Green GN GN
Blue BL BU
Purple VI VT
Grey GR GY
White WS WH
Pink RS PK
Turquois TK TQ
türkis TK TQ

Colorcodes for wire colors according to DIN 47100

Colorcode Color Code
1 White ws
2 Brown br
3 Green gn
4 Yellow ge
5 Grey gr
6 Pink rs
7 Blue bl
8 Red rt
9 Black sw
10 Purple vi
11 Grey-pink gr/rs
12 Red-blue rt/bl
13 White-green ws/gn
14 Brown-green br/gn
15 White-yellow ws/ge
16 Yellow-brown ge/br
17 White-grey ws/gr
18 Grey-brown gr/br
19 White-pink ws/rs
20 Pink-brown rs/br
21 White-blue ws/bl
22 Brown-blue br/bl
23 White-red ws/rt
24 Brown-red br/rt
25 White-black ws/sw
26 Brown-black br/sw
27 Grey-green gr/gn
28 Yellow-grey ge/gr
29 Pink-green rs/gn
30 Yellow-pink ge/rs
31 Green-blue gr/bl
32 Yellow-blue ge/bl
33 Green-red gn/rt
34 Yellow-red ge/rt
35 Green-black gn/sw
36 Yellow-black ge/sw
37 Grey-blue gr/b
38 Pink-blue rs/bl
39 Grey-red gr/rt
40 Pink-red rs/rt
41 Grey-black gr/sw
42 Pink-black rs/sw
43 Blue-black bl/sw
44 Red-black rt/sw

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Do you have questions about one of our technologies or would you like to receive further information from us? No problem, we will be happy to help you personally.