As a future-oriented and globally active company, we are aware of our responsibility and support associations and institutions throughout Germany that create added social value and drive positive change.
As part of our social commitment, we regularly donate to organizations such as the Arbeitsring anerkannter Blindenwerkstätten, which creates work for the blind in many places and thus provides prospects.
We also pay particular attention to projects that benefit the youngest members of our society. These include the Sucht-Hilfe-Heft booklet from Sucht- und Jugendhilfe e.V., the KRIPO children's coloring book from the Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter, the Ersthelfer von morgen coloring, play and work book from the Johanniter and the Trösterteddys from Kinderhilfe Eckertal GmbH.
We would like to introduce three other initiatives that we support in more detail.

With Jona and Joni to become the "first aider of tomorrow"
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Fire is warmth, light and comfort - and yet it can be a life-threatening, destructive danger! The fascination for the flickering, exciting element of fire is a constant disaster, especially for our children: when curiosity meets a lack of awareness of danger, the result is accidental fires, injuries and worse. The volunteer fire department of the city of Bayreuth and K&L Verlag have set themselves the goal of answering this question in a child-friendly way and have published an easy-to-understand coloring and workbook for girls and boys of primary school age.
That is why we are supporting the project
Fire is warmth, light and comfort - and yet it can be a life-threatening, destructive danger! The fascination for the flickering, exciting element of fire is a recurring disaster for our children in particular: when curiosity meets a lack of awareness of the dangers, the result is accidental fires, injuries and worse. The volunteer fire department of the city of Bayreuth and K&L Verlag have set themselves the goal of answering this question in a child-friendly way and have published an easy-to-understand coloring book and workbook for girls and boys of primary school age.
With the support of many local companies, the coloring and workbooks, the posters and the app are distributed free of charge to kindergartens in the district and city of Bayreuth. A commitment that we are
are very happy to join. Would you like to find out more about the project?
You can find more information here:

Fire is warmth, light and comfort - and yet it can become a life-threatening, destructive hazard!
Especially our children's fascination with the flickering, exciting element of fire is repeatedly their undoing: when curiosity meets a lack of awareness of danger, accidentally caused fires, injuries and worse are the result.
How do you react when there is a fire? The volunteer fire department of the city of Bayreuth and the K&L Verlag have set themselves the goal of answering this question in a way that is suitable for children; and they have published an easy-to-understand colouring and workbook for girls and boys of primary school age.

Image source: www.kl-verlag.de
The memorable information, instructive tasks and lovely illustrations of the new fire safety book "Sicher mit Feuer und Flamme" (Safe with Fire and Flame) were developed in close cooperation with fire safety experts from the fire department. By working through it at home or at school, children can better understand and deepen the fire safety awareness and instructions for correct behaviour conveyed by the fire departments.
Additional digital content such as videos or learning success checks, which are available with the help of the latest AR technology and a free app, also make the workbook an inspiring experience!
The innovative "Kinderfinder" stickers, which are distributed together with the book, can also save lives. In the event of an emergency, they show the emergency workers the way to the young family members who are particularly dependent on help and often hide in cupboards or under the bed in dangerous situations.

Image source: www.kl-verlag.de/
With the support of many local businesses, the workbooks can be distributed to the primary school children free of charge. This is a commitment that we are very happy to support.
Would you like to learn more about the project?
Here is a short film with the fire department of Hamburg and more information about the project.

Image source: www.kl-verlag.de
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Do you have questions about one of our technologies or would you like to receive further information from us? No problem, we will be happy to help you personally.